What does lack of fulfillment mean?
Lack of fulfillment or self-fulfillment means not feeling accomplished or neglected while or during a deed that is required. Fulfillment is to feel happiness, satisfaction, and success in a task or situation, and the lack is missing these emotions.
Everyone’s life has its ups and downs. One day when I turned off my alarm and felt that there was no excitement to get out of bed. At that moment I realized that my life and fulfillment were not working together for some reason, my life’s purpose was not clear. At that moment I decided to take my life into my own hands and learn what a fulfilling life is, and what really is all the fuss about…
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
Emotions have the power to change everything around us. Like in a concert, the crowd synchronizes singing their favorite song. We can find our space and feel connected. We could create that environment to grow like a tree that found nice soil for its roots. All these small things matter, to thrive in life and to find this awesome feeling that we call fulfillment. We need to decide and understand that we are what we do daily.
- If you are interested in this topic, Checkout our weekly podcast! The theme of this week is:
The peak passion podcast // EP 01
“I finally live the life of my dreams, i feel fulfilled doing every day what i love “
It is something we want out of life, every day while we take action towards a goal or simple activity, we crave to feel good about ourselves and that we move forward in life. Simple actions can go far with this, we could learn to play guitar, by practicing your favorite sport are good ways to start.
If your expectations and your passions align in your daily life you will experience more fulfillment.
We have to think about what makes us happy people find fulfillment in doing what they love as a daily activity, we can enjoy life more and to the fullest when we do these things, from singing, sports, and public speaking to creating art, we need to find the time to get fulfillment out of life.
It always works to know where we are going. Sounds simple but it’s the first step to planning out our map to archive our passions and goals in life.
What you love moves you unconsciously, your family, your dog, coffee but if we put more time into our passions, travel, and projects, what moves us and then our fulfillment will arrive.

What takes fulfillment away?
Fulfillment is relative and personal and could lower when you stop doing what you love or fail in a certain goal, as humans we love to feel good, and overdoing things can lower the excitement in our passion, but it does not mean that we do not enjoy something as we used to, we learn, we thrive for more as a part of life.
Sometimes we wake up in the morning and do a lot but we feel we did not do that much that day. But why do we feel that we are not doing enough? Be kind to yourself, understand that every project in life has a cycle but make sure you really want it and go full arms on it.
If we work from a place of mind that is calm and joyful, we will enjoy life just a little bit, rest, enjoy, and create. We deserve more than energy has a cycle too. Let’s fill that tank more often.
Enjoy your days but rest and keep going to find a peak that feels awesome when we get to the summit.

How am I supposed to find fulfillment?
We have to think about what makes us happy people find fulfillment in doing what they love as a daily activity, we can enjoy life more and to the fullest when we do these things, from singing, sports, and public speaking to creating art, we need to find the time to get fulfillment out of life.
It always works to know where we are going. Sounds simple but it’s the first step to planning out our map to archive our passions and goals in life.
What you love moves you unconsciously, your family, your dog, coffee but if we put more time into our passions, travel, and projects, what moves us and then our fulfillment will arrive.

Fulfillment vs Feeling numb emotionally?
Fulfillment and feeling emotionally numb are not exact opposites, feeling numb means the lack of emotion caused by depression or anxiety, but fulfillment is related to your accomplishment in life, we could feel numb from a shocking reaction and then feel fulfilled right afterward.
Human emotions are something tricky to explain, it is easy to find happiness online, with a simple click by ordering a delicious meal or even boking a dream holiday in a minute, all these voices in our head gets us up and down in seconds, but even if distractions take our head out they do help us realize that emotions are valuable to archive what we want in life.
There is a loop in emotions, which helps your Kick up your mood or impulse mind, think about it and start doing it, to get that inspiration or motivation going.
If you are feeling numb at this moment, maybe ask yourself these questions:
- When did this feeling start?
- When was the last time I felt fulfilled?
- What actions do I need to take to feel like that again?
- What stops me from doing these now?
- What actions give fulfillment to your day?
Inspiration is a powerful emotion in our body that sparks happiness in us, but we have to find what inspires us.

How do I find fulfillment in a meaningless job?
To find Fulfillment at work means to connect and perform with a purpose. If your work feels meaningless it’s because you lost the purpose of it, sometimes we have to look from a different perspective, a bigger picture to appreciate what we create.
More often in a simple job like cleaning a classroom, it can be hard for us to realize that we, in our simple cleaning job, help society to forge the heroes of tomorrow. But in a greater sense if you really hate it we need to ask the hard question if we really only have this option and if this is our purpose in life.
Fear is like the sun that appears every day. Even if it looks bright and burns our eyes, we could also look away and keep going. Let’s face it fear is something guaranteed!
When I was a child, I struggled to do my homework or putting attention to the teacher at school, and I feel a bit off at times, but that does not mean that I did not belong there, just one class I was outstanding in History but not because I wanted to learn about old people, it was because that teacher, shared it like a tale, I let imagination fly and imagined those Battles and moments creating an impression deep in my mind from that moment on I realized that stories and visual projection were important on me, these feelings taught me that by sharing a story we could get could be inspired.
If you feel overwhelmed and wonder, what do I have to do now?
Now just get started, sounds easy but can be really hard too, the main idea in our heads that stops us to take action and go forward is fear, that creepy being inside of us that kicks us to not act, not move, and stay where we are now it’s comfortable or easy but maybe if we plan, we dream, visualize our goal, and break it down into simple daily action, believe me, it will be a lot easy to make it happened. Now believe, plan and do!